As well as providing stunning book covers, I also work in close partnership with Book Polishers who provide a expert typesetting and e-book conversion.
Together we can offer a package deal to ensure your book looks both incredible on the outside and the inside. See the Pricing page for more information.
From Book Polisher's website:
If you are looking at self-publishing in print, you want your book to stand up against the titles produced by professional publishing houses. Nothing says amateur like a badly formatted end product, and sending revisions to Print On Demand providers can be costly. Even though some publishing guides will tell you that a document automatically converted from Word to PDF will do, it will not guarantee you the polished, professional-looking paper- or hardback book you can be proud to sell to your readers.
At Book Polishers, we produce your book in Adobe InDesign so that every page is individually laid out to look its best. Special fonts, chapter headings, illustrations, tables or other special visual effects are all included in the price.
Whether you are using Lightning Source, Lulu, or another POD provider, we will produce a document according to the specifications set out by the printer, so all you have to worry about is uploading your file.